rom expansion of the Flyer Trading Network into Canada to multi-leg options, fractional-share trading and household-level compliance and tax management in Co-Pilot, FlyerFT is working tirelessly to elevate your investment strategy.

FlyerFT product updates

Flyer Trading Network

  • Added 2 tier-1 banks
  • Expanded Canadian Market with top 4 brokers
  • Introduced Manager Hub for money managers, custodians and sponsor platforms
  • CTM & Lightspeed integration
  • T+1 support
  • Co-Pilot

March Release

  • T+1 automation
  • Build complex multi-leg options
  • Equity options strategy dashboard
  • Custom block order creation
  • Public and private security master support

April Release

  • Household-level portfolio trading
  • Enhanced tax management: low cost tax loss relief
  • Split complex multi-leg option into single leg orders
  • Generic fixed income security trading
  • Sleeve enhancements
  • Market data provider APIs
  • UI Enhancements

May Release

  • Fractional share trading
  • Household level compliance and tax management
  • Aggregated portfolio groups for rebalancing, compliance and trading
  • Asset allocation tactical trading to model
  • Guard against potential wash sales
  • Cash equivalents in portfolio management
  • Portfolio management tiered by asset class, security type, sector, and Industry
  • Support for trading in local currency
  • Dashboard APIs


  • Added top 4 Canadian Broker trade simulations
  • Over 3000 testing scenarios now available for buy-side, sell-side and vendor firms