t’s 2023. A toddler can accidentally order a year’s worth of coffee from Amazon via smart speaker in the time it takes a parent to grab a plate from the dishwasher, but trading, unfortunately, is still a very complex and manual process for most  investment firms.

Some have a dedicated trading desk, but assessing portfolio drift and client mandates across the firm’s entire user base is super time-consuming. And they still likely have to battle Excel spreadsheets after they export their trades for the day and upload them to a custodian.

Other firms don’t enjoy a sophisticated order management system and, therefore, are leaving value on the table because they aren’t using all of their trading app’s features. Or they’re using a rebalancer that doesn’t give them the control they want. Either way, this creates cumbersome, manual processes between multiple applications to complete even the most basic client account trading needs.

Enter Co-Pilot, Flyer’s trade order management software. Whether you’re an advisor looking to save time and keystrokes or a portfolio manager who wants an order management system that can streamline even the most complex trading operations, Co-Pilot has the solutions.

Co-Pilot Overview

Co-Pilot offers a comprehensive investment platform that centralizes portfolio management and trade execution  in a single multi-asset platform backed by the Flyer Trading Network, one of the most extensive networks of custodians and brokers.

Trade Order Management
By keeping your end-to-end trading process in one place, Co-Pilot saves you valuable time while also giving you more control. It leverages a variety of advanced trading functions allowing you to decide when to enter the trade lifecycle, including:

  • Order upload
  • Order blocking
  • Manual order entry
  • Algorithmic trading
  • Dynamic order routing
  • Limits and execution instructions

Co-Pilot supports all major order types. Plus, with the Flyer Trading Network, Co-Pilot connects to over 100 executing brokers and all major custodians, so you can route trades seamlessly without any importing or exporting. Say goodbye to those spreadsheets!

Co-Pilot Benefits

Portfolio Management
We get it. Not every portfolio manager is the same. Some need total control over their strategies, while others want to work position-by-position. No matter your management style, Co-Pilot can handle it.

Co-Pilot is a full portfolio rebalancer that synchronizes with custodians and updates in real-time, so you can trade and rebalance with complete confidence that you’re using only the most up-to-date information for each client, which is an absolute must in today’s fast-moving markets. Compliance features are integrated into Co-Pilot to help monitor portfolios and trading activity for any security restrictions and eliminate the chance of manual error.

Investment advisors also can access a robust sleeve management toolset within Co-Pilot to enable multiple model- and non-model-based investment strategies to co-exist in a single custodial account.

For more about PMS, read our Guide to Portfolio Management Software

Trade Execution
Co-Pilot is the fastest growing multi-asset portfolio trading platform for wealth and asset managers for a reason. It helps simplify and scale trading and portfolio management capabilities by offering three huge benefits all advisors are looking for but often can’t find in a single solution:

  1. Time Savings: Co-Pilot removes manual processes, reduces almost all of the need to “check your work,” and provides faster uploads of trade orders to your custodians. The Flyer Trading Network actually offers an instantaneous, real-time send. It doesn’t get any quicker than that.
  2. Cost Savings: A lot of firms often use more than one system to accomplish what Co-Pilot can do. They may have an order management system, but they also use an execution management system for more complex strategies. Co-Pilot gives you the best of both worlds in a single solution. That keeps your team in one application, which, again, saves time, saves money, and saves a lot of headaches.
  3. Increase in Confidence: By removing manual steps, you are also removing a lot of opportunities for human error to enter your data. This creates more trust in your processes. You can trade more confidently. You don’t have to remember everything for each client, because you can create the rules, workflows, and compliance checks in Co-Pilot. Then the system automates that work for you. This frees you up to concentrate on the work you love to do and on the clients you love to serve.

Find Your Co-Pilot

Wealth management industry big names like Envestnet, Morningstar, and Riskalyze power their solutions with Co-Pilot. Ready to automate your trading? Request a Co-Pilot demo.